There has always been a link between beauty and health


There has always been a link between beauty and health


Collagen peptides are becoming ever more popular for beauty treatments. “However, there is still much need for consumer awareness and information from health care professionals”, says Tess Plaquet of Rousselot.


“Healthy looking skin is associated with attractiveness and confidence”, says Tess Plaquet, business development manager at Rousselot. Collagen, the most common protein in the body, is crucial for our skin. It is responsible for its strength and flexibility. The protein collagen also provides support for hair and nails, the most important appendages of the skin, even if they are not made of collagen.”


Around our mid-twenties collagen production in our skin decreases, which leads to familiar signs of ageing: wrinkles, dry skin, and loss of elasticity. And hair becomes thinner and weaker, which eventually leads to hair loss.



What the scientists say

Plaquet says that Rousselot’s scientific researchers have shown that collagen peptides can delay the signs of ageing and improve the appearance of skin and hair. More than a decade’s studies at Rousselot show that taking Peptan collagen peptides orally can help us achieve stronger skin and healthy looking hair.


The future of beauty

Our scientific portfolio continues to grow with new findings, since we use the newest technologies to improve our understanding of the role of collagen in improving beauty from within.


Skin density and elasticity

Placebo controlled research has shown that Peptan can improve the strength of the skin by increasing its density. Skin elasticity is vital for a healthy appearance, since the loss of elasticity leads to weaker skin and wrinkles. In experiments, Peptan had a positive impact on the elasticity of the skin.



Skin hydration

For a natural shine, our skin needs adequate hydration. Multiple studies have shown that Peptan improves skin hydration. It is notable that all participants in both the placebo and Peptan groups in one of the studies also used a face cream in order to standardise their face care. This makes the results additionally valuable since they mirror real beauty routines.


Reducing wrinkles

Plaquet: “We call them ‘laughter lines', but many of us are not happy with those wrinkles round the eyes or mouth which are one of the most common physical signs of ageing. From our studies it appeared that Peptan can reduce the visibility of wrinkles in women.”


At Intrafood:24 they are presenting the latest updates from scientific research and the most important market trends.





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