MARSEL® LIQUID, ready-to-use brine


MARSEL® LIQUID, ready-to-use brine


An end to day-to-day lugging and lifting heavy bags of salt for dosing or making your own brine. With ready-to-use salt brine you eliminate these manual and ergonomically demanding tasks. We do the hard work for you.

Brine is a water and salt solution that is stored in ready-to-use condition in a simple tank at your site. The brine is automatically piped through stainless steel piping from the tank to the production lines, where it is easily added in the right dose. Growth companies such as Paulig, Vandemoortele, Aveno and Aigremont have already successfully made the switch to ready-to-use brine.

MARSEL® LIQUID ready-to-use salt brine is suitable for food applications that require water and salt. Manufacturers of dough products and margarines in particular have already had great results switching from regular salt to ready-to-use brine.

MARSEL® LIQUID can also be used for water softening purposes. The same brine is automatically routed to the production lines and the water softening systems.


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