MARSEL® sea salt for the food industry


MARSEL® sea salt for the food industry


Consumers are increasingly steering clear of food products with E-numbers and a high ecological footprint. Thankfully, sustainable alternatives are available for most ingredients, including for salt.

MARSEL® sea salt is harvested by harnessing the forces of nature. The sun and the wind see to it that the seawater evaporates in salt basins in a very natural and organic way. We rinse the coarse sea salt using fresh water and break it down into a range of different grain sizes. From extra fine to super coarse. We check every single grain for impurities and constantly monitor the quality of our end product: high-quality sea salt, ready to be used in all your production lines.

  • The very highest food grade quality (99.8% NaCl)
  • 100% natural product, without E-numbers
  • Perfect for your conventional as well as organic production lines


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